客戶: PDcoffee
地點: 台灣台中市
合作內容: #品牌識別建立 #LOGO商標設計 #名片設計 #應用設計
設計師: 百岩設計 bYEn
地點: 台灣台中市
合作內容: #品牌識別建立 #LOGO商標設計 #名片設計 #應用設計
設計師: 百岩設計 bYEn
2017 A' Design Award and Competition (Iron)
2016 The Best Brand Awards (Runner Up)
2017 A' Design Award and Competition (Iron)
2016 The Best Brand Awards (Runner Up)

PDcoffee 品牌的成立,源自於對咖啡的熱衷和分享,堅持現場研磨、手沖咖啡,以原始的樣貌呈現咖啡的醇真美好;流動餐車的經營方式,從各個觀光景點出發,傳播咖啡意識與品嚐咖啡的喜悅。在咖啡蘊含的多項特點中,百岩設計 bYEn 淬提契合經營方向的「活力、交流」點出 PDcoffee 的品牌核心價值 ─「Have a Powerful Day」,藉此喚醒人與咖啡之間深刻的情感連結,透過 PDcoffee 鮮明的品牌願景,深根咖啡文化與傳遞積極正向、活力的一天。
The establishment of PDcoffee builds upon a desire to transform the current state of the market. Coffee has quickly grown popular in Taiwan, with a market that is gradually maturing. However, drinking coffee has become habitual and routine, and the meaning behind it is slowly being lost. In response to this phenomenon, PDcoffee operates around a core concept: return to the essence of coffee. Through their original pour-over coffee brewing method and by providing complete services in convenient locations with their mobile shops, they hope to rekindle the emotional bond between people and coffee.
PDcoffee 品牌的標誌設計,著重在品牌名稱 PD 隱喻的涵義與交流互動感的詮釋,良好的品牌識別須與品牌經營本質緊密的貼合,標誌設計,第一時間嶄露 PDcoffee 的品牌精神「Powerful Day」,似是交疊似是流動的造型、色彩運用,在動靜之間磨劃出 PDcoffee 堅定的品牌意識與鮮明的品牌性格。
The logo design highlights the interplay between lowercase letter p and d. The magenta p symbolizes PDcoffee owners passionately holding up the coffee for their customers. Rotating the letter p counterclockwise by 180 degrees, we will see the yellow-orange d, which represents the customers carrying PDcoffee’s products in hands with expectation. To see the logo as a whole, the two letters are integrated together, indicating the interaction between PDcoffee and customers.

一系列的識別聯想設計,延續活潑、親切的品牌語彙,整體形象以與品牌精神相符合的口吻做視覺渲染,帶給人煥然一新而愉悅的感受,並進一步締造消費者在體驗產品服務前的視覺饗宴,堆疊 PDcoffee 對咖啡本質的重新定義;總體而言,品牌識別形象如出一轍,成功勾勒出 PDcoffee 引人入勝的品牌印象。
Developed from the brand logo, the series of visual designs centers on vitality and activeness, attempting to deliver a sense of freshness and pleasure to the customers, whereas the consistency of the designs deeply delineates the image of the brand.