關於百岩設計 About bYEn
百岩設計 bYEn 為台灣品牌設計公司,提供各行業的品牌識別建立與再造。透過互動諮詢、策略引導以及視覺設計的導入,協助企業找到自身的核心優勢,並將這些意念具體化、落實到產品服務,敦促與消費市場的溝通及提高企業的總體價值。
bYEn is a Taiwanese brand-consulting team that offers consulting services for the establishment of brand identities. Through interactive dialogue, strategic guidance and the incorporation of visual design, we helps businesses identify their core strengths, actualize them, and implement them in their product offerings. Ultimately, BYEn strives to facilitate business’ communication with the consumer market and increase their overall value.
創辦人暨執行總監 Founder
楊 琮華 YEn Yang
服務項目 Service
企業/品牌識別建立 Building a Corporate/Brand Identity
企業/品牌識別蛻變 Rebranding Strategy Plan
企業/品牌定位與故事 Positioning & Story
企業/品牌命名 Business/Brand Naming
平面視覺設計 Communications & Graphic
產品型錄設計 Product Catalog & Manual Design
產品包裝設計 Product Packaging Design
多媒體與網頁設計 Multimedia & Web Design
空間與展場規劃 Interior & Exhibition Design
企業/品牌識別蛻變 Rebranding Strategy Plan
企業/品牌定位與故事 Positioning & Story
企業/品牌命名 Business/Brand Naming
平面視覺設計 Communications & Graphic
產品型錄設計 Product Catalog & Manual Design
產品包裝設計 Product Packaging Design
多媒體與網頁設計 Multimedia & Web Design
空間與展場規劃 Interior & Exhibition Design
合作夥伴 Clients