BESTCHEM 貝斯特精密化學企業成立於1969年,位於台灣桃園,早期以生產紡織印花原料為主,提供印花膠漿、色漿以及助劑類產品的製造與銷售等,亦是目前眾多知名運動品牌、服飾的印花原料提供商。
BESTCHEM 長年秉持永續經營觀,產品的生產開發皆以友善環境、以人為本為最高總旨。透過本次的企業識別優化計畫,期盼 百岩設計 bYEn 能為其延續企業精神同時,打開多元的跨產業經營,達到企業經營轉型的實質效應。
BESTCHEM, a Taiwanese chemical processing company founded in 1969, initially focused on the production and marketing of raw materials for textile printing, such as printing pastes, color pastes, and additives. The company has since shifted its business model towards diversified development, producing safe household cleaners, nano-photocatalysts, and special-purpose chemicals.
在執行企業識別優化過程,百岩設計 bYEn 為 BESTCHEM 梳理企業策略與定位,並深掘出 BESTCHEM 企業的核心價值與文化特質。BESTCHEM 至今近 50 年的經營之道,重視團隊合作與共同發展,從單一職員個體到企業團體,及合作對象客戶三者,堅信惟彼此信任、有志一同、攜手俱進,才能締造長遠良善的商業關係。百岩設計 bYEn 抽萃這些企業訊息,整合為一具象徵意義的革新願景:「透過化學,帶來美好的生活」。企業識別設計,提出相互映輝的設計概念 ─ 蛻變,契合企業本質地打造專屬識別,凝聚內部同仁的企業歸屬意識與對外體現企業之價值。
The inspiration for this project stemmed from BESTCHEM’s own corporate vision. During the discussion stage of design development, BYEn reached the conclusion that while chemicals and the companies that produce them are often viewed negatively, BESTCHEM sees its mission as one of using chemistry to better people’s lives. BYEn then developed the Metamorphosis design concept to symbolize BESTCHEM’s growth and development and the public’s changing perceptions, with the goal of rebranding the company to create a positive corporate image and express an upbeat, forward-looking attitude.
Before & After
完整的企業視覺識別系統,百岩設計 bYEn 用清晰、正向的視覺符碼包覆 BESTCHEM 企業的各項接觸點設計,小至名片、企業用筆,大至辦公用車、廣告看板等,掌握每一個表露企業精神的機會,以一致的形象風格彰顯 BESTCHEM 企業經營轉型的決心,並建立起企業新識別的信任感與認同度。
透過企業識別優化,百岩設計 bYEn 成功為 BESTCHEM 塑造一前瞻獨特、具有國際視野的企業識別,嶄新的企業識別在取得企業共識後,一致對外、展現力量,創造一股在市場上脫穎而出的能量。
The logo is the first thing a potential customer notices, and its design can be expanded on to help completely reinvent a company’s image. BYEn developed a logo design for BESTCHEM intended to convey the company’s belief in its mission to its target audience, to close the gap between company and customer, and to create an image of trust and reputability.
The design process was heavily based on initial strategic discussions, in which BYEn explored and determined the requirements for the logo design. By repeatedly reviewing concepts and compositions, they were able to create a logo that fully illustrated the qualities of the company.
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